Software Development Agreement

This is a template for a long-form Software Development Agreement


About this document

This document is a template for a long form software development agreement between a supplier and a customer.  It outlines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties involved in the development and provision of software services.  The agreement covers various aspects such as intellectual property rights, quality standards, fees and expenses, delivery and insurance costs, taxes and duties, invoicing and payment, interest, bank account details, authorised contacts, limitation of liability, customer requirements and specifications, milestones, title and risk in the software, relief events, supplier personnel, costs, warranties, moral rights, intellectual property rights indemnity, non-solicitation, rights of third parties, mitigation, health and safety, entire agreement, force majeure, and further assurance.  It also includes provisions for termination, notices, insurance coverage, confidentiality, data protection, information security, dispute resolution, record keeping, audits, and governing laws. The document aims to establish a clear and comprehensive agreement between the supplier and the customer for the development and delivery of software development services. 

It is important to note that this document is a template and should be customised to fit the specific needs and circumstances of the parties- for more information please read our Templates Guide.

This template is supplied subject to our Terms of Sale