Participant Consent Form (online seminars)

This is a template for obtaining participants' consent to recording online seminars and similar events

  • Document Category: B2C

About this document

This template is a Participant Consent Form tailored for online seminars, emphasising the recording and potential use of participants' voice, image, and contributions. The form outlines the agreement participants must provide for the recording authorisation, allowing organisers to utilise the recordings for promotional, marketing, and educational purposes. Participants are informed that all content produced during the seminar becomes the property of the organisers, with no compensation provided for the use of their image or voice. The consent is perpetual and cannot be revoked after participation. Additionally, participants have the right to withdraw from the seminar at any time, although recordings made prior to withdrawal may still be utilised. The document also highlights the importance of handling personal information in compliance with data protection laws and encourages participants to contact organisers for any queries or concerns regarding the consent form. 

It is important to note that this document is a template and should be customised to fit the specific needs and circumstances of the parties- for more information please read our Templates Guide.

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Publisher’s Notice:

Note: This publication does not necessarily deal with every important topic, nor cover every aspect of the topics with which it deals. Templates do not include or provide legal or other advice to users. They are designed to provide a head-start to the development of a commercial agreement and are not the finished article. They require careful reading, analysis and customisation in order to meet the particular needs of the parties to the document. 

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Publisher: Atkins-Shield Ltd: Company No. 11638521 
Registered Office: 71-75, Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ


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