Business Essentials offers guidance notes for entrepreneurs, owners, directors and managers to help manage their businesses. Check out the listings for content and go to Newsletters for other developments:
Essentials Contents:
Construction: management contracting vs construction management
Copyright- An introduction to this important intellectual property rights
Trade Marks- Central to the protection of business brands, this guide introduces the topic
Understanding Shareholders' Agreements- a downloadable guide to shareholders' agreements
Introduction to Shareholders' Agreements- A general guide on what goes into a shareholders' agreement
Shareholders' Agreement- Checklist- Key questions for a shareholders' agreement
Supply of Goods (B2B)- a guide to the main types of supply contract, terms and remedies for breach
Earn-Outs- what are they, how do they work and what are the advantages & disadvantages?
B2C E-Commerce- essentials for consumer E-commerce marketing
B2B E-Commerce- essentials for business to business E-commerce marketing
Software Development- what is it and the key elements in a development agreement
Software licensing- key elements of software licensing and checklist
AI toolkit- understanding artificial intelligence in the workplace and dealing with issues it raises
Website compliance requirements- what needs to be disclosed on business websites
Powers of Attorney in commercial deals- their uses, types, how they are formed and revoked
Digital vs Electronic signatures- and their use on commercial contracts
Thinking of terminating a contract- what steps to take if termination is on your mind
Grounds for terminating a contract- a guide to the grounds for terminating a contract
Cross-options- what are they and why are they important for business continuity?
Company share class rights- guide to the creation of different share classes
Forming a limited company- the essential requirements for setting-up a limited company
Keys to business entities- looking at the main business vehicles
Private company share buyback and reduction of share capital- a series of articles on these key topics
How are contracts interpreted?- the rules by which contracts are interpreted
Pre-contract discussions- their importance- what can and cannot be used to interpret a contract
Contracting on another's standard ts&cs (B2B)- what to do to get your requirements included
Incorporating standard terms and conditions- how to ensure your ts&cs are included in a contract
Commercial Fraud- what is it and what actions can be taken when it happens?
Agency and Distribution Compared- examining the important differences
Trade Secrets and Confidential Information- looking at how to protect these assets
Economic crime and corporate transparency- key changes to the law
Online digital content for consumers- key provisions to include in terms and conditions
Joint Ventures- different forms for different business objectives
Contractual Joint Ventures- an important form of business collaboration without a legal entity
Indemnities- what are they?- a look at these important contractual promises
Let's chat about ChatGPT- in it's own words, a look at the AI revolution
Battle of the Forms- what happens when two businesses compete to impose their terms
Escrow Agreements- how to protect transaction funds
Employment Business or Employment Agency- and the difference between the two
Franchising- a look at how a franchise set up and what are the rights of a franchisee
The scourge of late payments- how late payments can be handled
Dealerships- a guide to how dealerships work and their main characteristics
The employment conundrum- a look at what creates employee status
Tutoring Businesses- a report on key changes to how tutor companies must be run
Website terms of use vs term and conditions- a check on the difference between them
The small print- the use and importance of terms and conditions
Business Vehicles- a look at the types of business vehicle available
Limiting contractual liability- a look at how to limit liability in contracts
Business Vehicle Taxation- a quick guide to how businesses are taxed
Company Governance- the duties of directors
Directors' powers, duties and liabilities- a look at the main responsibilities of compan directors
Convertibles & Write-Offs- managing Covid-19 debt- what to do about "unsustainable debt"
Corporate recovery and insolvency- If you're taking on new or additional debts and concerned about solvency read this guidance page
Commercial Contracts- A Guide- Owning and running a business inevitably involves commercial contracts involved- this guide helps understand them
Commercial Contracts- Structure & Content- Demystifying some of the key provisions that turn up in commercial contracts
Business Start-Up Funding- When Government Covid-19 financial support may not reach start-ups finding alternative funding options is critical
Crowd Funding Explained- The essentials of Crowdfunding and an insight to the participants, risks and platforms
Private Equity Funding- Medium to long-term finance provided in return for an equity stake in potentially high-growth unquoted companies
Venture Capital- Venture capital invests in early-stage companies with strong growth potential
Guarantees, Indemnities & Warranties- Explaining these three important legal terms for commercial contracts and businesses
Ordinary, Secured and Preferred Creditors- Loan security & how business creditors rank in their priority, including personal guarantees
Is your business ready for the New World?- How to get your business fit for the post CV-19 world
Managing Your Cash Flow- Practical hands-on business support from those with experience
Critical Operational Decisions and Actions- Guidance for taking decisions and managing change through the Covid-19 crisis
Mothballing a building- Business premises may need to temporarily closed during Covid-19
Working from home survival check-list- Helpful tips and guidance on working from home
Dealing with Covid-19 Debt- a look at how to manage the growing business debt mountain incurred during Covid-19
By the publications team at: with the assistance of the referenced third parties
Publisher: Atkins-Shield Ltd: Company No. 11638521
Registered Office: 71-75, Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ
Note: This publication does not necessarily deal with every important topic nor cover every aspect of the topics with which it deals. It is not designed to provide legal or other advice. The information contained in this document is intended to be for informational purposes and general interest only.
Atkins-Shield Ltd © 2024